Friday, October 4, 2013

How to change keys

So, i am not super at music, but i figured out how to easily change keys for songs with the computer program thingy i use to make the tabs. So i fixed one. (i actually did it for the song on the previous post, but i had done this one a while back, thought i had posted it, realized i hadnt, and so here it is)  My first transposition...albeit not in chronological blogger order.

It sounds super way better, bytheway

Check it out.

 If I Listen With My Heart - arr


My Heavenly Father Loves Me

A nice request from Lani.  I switched the key it was in so that more notes could be played well. (wow...i am getting quite fancy...i better stop it)

And a big mahalo nui loa to you too!

My Heavenly Father Loves Me
