Sunday, February 17, 2019

muito Internacional

Alex W requested a Portuguese song.  It made me all nostalgic and such to some time ago when I was a missionary in Puente Kyha Paraguay and we lived on the borders of Brazil, so we had to do some serious Portuguese teaching/singing/etc.  I was actually even able to find my old Hinos (Hymn book) to use for this song.  For Spanish speakers, this should be quite easy to translate.

Thanks Alex, and keep those hits coming!

Ide por Todo o Mundo (Go throughout All the World)


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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Two More Requests from Alex W.

Alex W, who is obviously awesome (we know this because he has requested, not 1, not 2, but THREE songs), has requested a few songs.

We also know his world wide coolness score will increase by 17 because of his frequent trips to this blog.


Rock of Ages
Who's on the Lord's Side?


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Sunday, February 10, 2019

2019 Youth Theme Footsteps

New year, new youth theme.  Here is one of the songs that lavitadajessica asked for.

Footsteps 2019 Youth Theme

good luck. there are a bunch of low notes, that i didnt feel worked well with transcription.  however, you could just choose to play them one octave higher, or just play the accompaniment chords given with the sheet music. hope it sounds well for you!
