Sunday, September 25, 2016

Someone He Can Count On

So this one was a tougher nut to crack, given all its ties and slurs and ridiculous timing and low notes to transpose.

This song was a theme song in 2015 for mutual.

Good luck!

Someone He Can Count On


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Been a While

So, I moved from KY to CO recently, well, ahem, 3 months ago, and I haven't been doing much uke-ing, so I thought I would get to some of those requests.  Hope the wait was worth it, but maybe not!
Probably the coolest thing I have added are the fret diagrams at the tops of songs now-a-days.

Follow the Prophet (there are like 9 verses, I didn't put them all on there to save page space, cause I am a tree hugger now...when in as the Coloradans)
Dare to Do Right
Did You Think to Pray?
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Our Saviour's Love

I did them all this morning, so if there are errors, please let me know.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

the miracle

here a song dat my kids be singing all da time like in primary bra' (pigeon)

The Miracle


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Given Much

Here is another request.  Thanks to all who come here and download tunes.  I am a millionaire!  Just kidding!  i havent made a dime!

Because I have Been Given Much


New Addition for a Baptism

Someone requested this song for a baptism.  I hope it goes well!

Just baptized my daughter last weekend.  It was super magical!

I Stand All Amazed


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Day Off

So, I took a day off today for my daughter's birthday, and got some music done.

I put the fret diagrams for, "Ill Seek the Lord Early," cause I never use half of those chords.

Here are some more songs to play.  Have fun!

There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today
Master, The Tempest Is Raging
I'll Seek the Lord Early

Thanks to all those who requested them!


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Two Songs that Start with P

Thanks to Jeff Collins and Zach Burkard for this request.  I am traveling now and dont have my uke, but i think they are both manageable.

Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer

happy playin
